Tucked away in a corner of Texas about an hour outside Dallas people in the town of Nocona are gearing up for their biggest event of the year - an annual classic car show cruise and auction that has established the town as the "Classic Car Capital of Texas". This year for the first time the SST Car Show crew will be on hand to witness this growing event.
The town of Nocona has a population of just a hair over 3000. Over its rich life, the town has survived with a leather goods industry and with the spin off benefits of the oil industry, but in the past couple of years it is the classic car resurgence that has given the town a new boost.
One of the town's leading citizens Pete Horton went to a car auction...bought 16 cars in one weekend...and then needed a place to store them. So he opened a museum.
What followed was the Nocona car show and cruise. It's an event that has grown around the museum, and as part of the car show the Vicari Car Auction comes to town too.
This coming week the town starts gearing up for the event. By mid week things will heat up, and by next weekend the town's population will explode with classic car owners from all over the state converging on the town. Every hotel in town, and in surrounding towns is booked solid.
The SST Car Show crew will be taking in the show and providing coverage this year.
"It's exciting to attend," said SST Executive producer and host Rick Walker. "Nocona is the Classic Car Capital of Texas, and as many know I am from Chatham-Kent the "Classic Car Captial of Canada", so it's great to be able to serve as an ambassador for our community and who knows what might happen by creating new friendships between people from two great car communities".
Following the Nocona Cruise and Auction the SST Car Show crew will tour other automotive museums in Texas, and embark on a cruise taking in some of the landmarks in Texas and along part of the world famous Route 66 highway which should produce opportunities for great new stories, and images that will be shared on the SST Television network, and on the SST Digital Channels online.
You'll see plenty at www.streetsporttv.com, and on the SST Social Media pages too.
For more information on the upcoming car show in Nocona and what the town has to offer, you can visit; www.nocona.org